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Rules and Regulations (continued)

2.  Bear Creek Cemetery is open from sunrise to dusk daily.  Snow plowing will be provided as needed to insure access to the cemetery.
3.  Overnight parking in the cemetery is prohibited
4. The lighting of candles and smoking in the cemetery is prohibited.
5.  Please pack refuse out and dispose of properly off site.
6. Decorating of graves with flowers and mementos contained within the plot boundary is encouraged.  It is the responsibility of the plot owners to tidy up plots from time to time.  The BCCA is not responsible for damaged or stolen markers, headstones, memorials, flowers and mementos.  All permanent monuments including trees, stone, wood, metal and concrete structures must be approved by the BCCA board.  If removal is advised, removal is the owner's responsibility and expense.
7. In the interest of visitor and cemetery volunteer safety, glass and ceramic vases, jar and monuments are discouraged in the cemetery.
8. A cemetery clean-up will occur near April 1 and November 1 for trash removal.
9. Do not nail items to our trees.
10. Please be a responsible pet owner when your dog is visiting the cemetery with you by observing leash laws and picking up after them.
11.  The BCCA reservices the right to amend these guidelines from time to time.

Rules and Regulations (continued): Text
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